Current Partners
There’s power in numbers. One of our main strengths is the highly diverse perspectives of the partners at the table who develop, implement, and analyze our actions and outcomes. We identify Action Partners as organizations and groups who are involved in designing and implementing our work. If you want to support early literacy efforts in Davidson County, there is a place for you at Raising Readers Nashville.
Guiding Team
Flor Abarca, AIMHiTN
Denise Costanza, Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Leslie Hanson, Equally Created
Katie Elam, Governor's Early Literacy Foundation
Debbie Ferguson, Glen Leven Presbyterian Church Day School
Megan Godbey, United Way of Greater Nashville
Elandriel Lewis, United Way of Greater Nashville
Mandy McDermott, TN Voices
Annie Paraison, Love Before All, LLC
Melissa Spradlin, Book' em
Shana Watkins, Tennessee Justice Center
Brandon White, United Way of Greater Nashville
Current Action Partners
If you or your community organization is involved in early literacy services of any kind, we invite you to join our collective efforts. No matter your skill set or level of capacity, there is a place for you at Raising Readers Nashville. Complete the form today for more information.
Raising Readers Nashville
c/o United Way of Greater Nashville
250 Venture Circle
Nashville, TN 37228