Educator Support
Early childhood professionals have the tools, resources, and skills they need to develop children’s literacy skills.
Long-term impact metric: Increase percentage of early childhood educators who have access to high quality literacy training and resources
2025-2026 Strategies, Actions, and Targets
Increase wages, benefits, and financial support for early childhood educators.
In collaboration with the Nashville Early Education Coalition, advocate for the utilization of remaining American Rescue Plan and other funding sources to support ongoing stabilization of child care centers, specifically by bolstering wages and benefits for educators.
18-Month Target
Centers are able to sustain increased wages and benefits to increase educator retention.
Improve access to high- quality training, mentorship, and coaching opportunities, and professional development for early childhood educators.
Support Core Network Nashville and Nashville Early Education Coalition in their outreach and development strategies to ensure partner provided professional development aligns with established best practice and is equitably available to providers.
More about our current actions.
Get to know more about our four domains of focus, our 2025-2026 strategies, and our approach to collaborative efforts. Download our latest report, “Cultivating a Landscape for Learning: Raising Readers Nashville 2025-2026 Strategies.”